Peripheral magnetic stimulation generates electromagnetic pulses
Inhibition or stimulation of target nerve bioelectric activity
Specifications | Parameters |
Advanced Passive Training | Five-finger Flexion and Extension | Single Finger Flexion and Extension | Opposite Finger Pinch | Three-finger Pinch |
Advanced Mirror Training | Imitate the Movements of Active Glove Freely | Follow the Joint Angles of Active Glove Freely |
Advanced Resistance Training | Five-finger Flexion and Extension | Single Finger Flexion and Extension |
Advanced Active Training | Detect the Movement Intention of Any Finger and Assist the Movement |
Immersive Game for Rehabilitation Training | Interactive and Fun Games |
Intelligent Evaluation | Flexion Angle | Flexion Force | Scale Evaluation |
Combining Pneumatic Glove and Electrical Stimulation for Rehabilitation | |
Channel | 4 Independent Channels |
Passband | 22Hz~1100Hz |
Threshold Accuracy | ±10% |
Power Frequency Noise Suppression | >10dB |
System Noise | Short-circuit Noise of System Input < 5uVrms |